Custom Designed Kitchen Bench
To understand this project you need some background. I bought this table and chairs from Estate Specialists when I was furnishing my first apartment 5 years ago. This was a lucky find as I had given up on trying to match woods and decided to paint any/all wood furniture black. Lucky because I happened upon this one already painted during a weekly check.
About a year ago, Kevin fixed a few of the chairs by adding some wood glue because they were getting a little wobbly. There were still a couple that we made it a rule not to frequently sit on (notice the one with the the ghetto ribbon tied to it). One night, while eating dinner, Kevin’s chair just sunk and this is what we saw…
…a chair leg jaggedly broken from the seat and a support severed from the chair leg. No blame on Kevin, this chair was ready to give.
This brings me to a little IKEA trip where I saw a $90 bench while browsing through the store. We needed another option for seating (I’ve decided to slowly collect mismatched wooden chairs and paint them all black too), but I was not going to pay their price. My dad (who’s a contractor/carpenter) and mom were with us and they agreed to make one if I would draw up some dimensions/plans. I handed him these back in March and we helped piece the wood together at our apartment last month.
Project #33 resulted. I had to find time to fill the holes, sand, prime, and paint this skillfully made bench. We now have the finished product sitting in our kitchen!
So that’s the story of how the bench became a part of our home!
:: Rachel